
Image of Fraser sitting on steps

Hello, and welcome to this site, my virtual home. 

It is being re-built slowly, and likely to be ready by September 2024, but please feel free to drop by anytime as I add bits, change my mind and put them somewhere else, or whatever happens. 

This is intended as my little corner of the internet, and will be taking an entirely informal approach to life. 

Mostly, I will be filling it with pieces of writing, which are likely to grow as time goes on, but likely to also contain random videos, YouTube playlists and Spotify playlists, and bits and bobs and twirly bits (maybe). 

Much, but not all, of the writing can be found on Medium, and that will likely grow, too.

If I do any work for other people, and it needs a website, this won’t be it.  This will be all me, living the rest of my life from one day to the next.

This is likely to be updated and changed as time goes on.
