Image of dancer soaring through the air to illustrate post
Learning to soar...

“When I write I can shake off all my cares. My sorrow disappears, my spirits are revived.” – Anne Frank

Image of hands-full-of-worms-and-earth to illustrate post
Photo by sippakorn yamkasikorn on Unsplash

Underground – Labyrinthine burrows

Life passing and worms working.
Flesh from the bones, and maggots
writhing through the stench and decay.
A life ever after, all the souls away.

And we are left with the dank, earthy,
labyrinthine burrows beneath our feet,
adding depth and richness to our soil.
A thousand years pass, the farmers toil.

So it is that lifetimes pass unannounced
and humankind falls as other species do.
The world quietens, no whisper of a sound,
and life continues silently, underground.

August 2023

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