Image of dancer soaring through the air to illustrate post
Learning to soar...

“When I write I can shake off all my cares. My sorrow disappears, my spirits are revived.” – Anne Frank

Image of arrivals board in transport terminal to illustrate post
Photo by LT Chan from Pexels

Arrival – Arrival is now

Arrival is now.
It has always been
now, and always
provides new learning
and refreshed yearning
for a future bright
with possibilities.

Arrival is a halt
and a reminder
that we are all
the captain of
our own ship
and decider
of where she sails,
and what shores
seem most attractive.

Arrival is hope
without seeing
too far ahead.
Nothing needs to
be written in advance.

Take what you will
and leave behind
all that is no
longer desired.

There is a chance
to be inspired
and to dance
our way through
the obstacles we
now recognise,
from having
sailed a journey
of experience,
picking-up resources
all along the way.

Arrival is a
chance to celebrate
all that we are
and all that we
still can be.

August 2023

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