Image of dancer soaring through the air to illustrate post
Learning to soar...

“When I write I can shake off all my cares. My sorrow disappears, my spirits are revived.” – Anne Frank

Image of woman screaming to illustrate post
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Something – Anything

the drumming
the thrumming
the constant moaning
and screaming
in pain or ecstasy
the rumbling trains
diesel buses dinging
phone bells ringing
someone else’s music
children whining
colleagues chatting
neighbours gossiping
notifications pinging ponging
texts vibrating
people on speaker phones
drunk conversations
the chattering high folks
they all get in the way
of pursuing just a bit
of peace and quiet
somewhere to
take time out

and what if you do
what do you do
your mind’s still racing
you daren’t close your eyes
you’re so exhausted
always more to do
never enough hours
and when you do
close your eyes
you don’t sleep
or at first you do
and then you wake
and you get up
and check your emails
your facebook
your twitter
your Instagram
your pinterest
that weird website
your pal told you about
then Netflix
on the telly

next thing you know
you’re awake
the baby’s crying
the older kids moaning
don’t want to go to school
lunches not made yet
partner can’t find keys
run out of milk
need to get ready too
can’t get in the bathroom
bit of a queue
eventually eyes propped
kids in car
dropped at school
baby with minder
told off from boss
late again
blah blah blah
phones ringing
shouting across room
emails pinging
people needing
needing needing
break room
leaflet on meditation
and scream and scream
can’t stop ever

August 2023

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