AI image of little children fishing with nets in a stream, used to illustrate post
Image created by AI using Microsoft Bing

Gills and Fins – For children everywhere

oh to be a little fish
swimming from afar
minding my own business
when they put me in a jar

they took me to their home
and then they had their tea
but what I really want to know
is where’s the food for me

dying of heat and hunger
they returned me to the pool
I loved the fresh water
and I found it very cool

soon I was relaxing
but I think I’m going insane
there’s another net ahead
but I want to just remain

they swished and swooshed
and swept their net
but I am quite determined
I don’t wish to be their pet

so off I swam and hid
and I could hear them talk
there’s nothing in this pool
let’s find another rock

I’m really glad to swim back home
and take myself away
I think that’s quite enough
to fit into the day

January 2024

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