Image of a foggy woodland, used to illustrate post
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Reminders – Of how we fall and rise

summer refuses to give way
as autumn pushes forward
the sun would have us still out
and about and wearing only
slightly more clothes now

but autumn keeps pushing
and sends summer away
as the temperature drops
and the leaves fall and we
finally bring everything in

we know what is coming
the dragging mornings and
the damp beginnings the
days drawing inwards to
lessen the distance from night

and what of our mental health
sun no longer there to brighten
up our days and accept our nights
we have a sense of foreboding
and already wishing sun’s return

we comfort ourselves by saying
not yet as cold or dark as what
is coming soon enough but
our heads are ahead of even our
heat-seeking bodies wary from old

then balance comes and joys await
already preparing for the winter break
and doing all the inside jobs put off
during the summer outdoors weather
and finding new cosy ways with friends

and meantime busy autumn prepares
both animals and plants for whatever
comes next as the frosts begin to
threaten and push the autumn away
diminished as winter begins to take hold

each season doing the jobs of nature
most always in a timely manner as it
is not for human understanding but is
surely marching ahead as mother
nature demands as we finally remember

October 2024

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