Image of a jumble of old clocks to illustrate post
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Taking Time to Tick – Meandering moments

time flies
until you start
watching the clock
or until you look to see
where time has gone
see what effect it has had
on your song

do you feel that you belong?
are you having fun yet?
keep on asking forever
but never, ever
stop doing what
you’re doing
whatever that may be
that keeps you feeling young
and helps to keep you free

and only when you stop
thinking about time
do you start to focus
on what you need to do
(the ideal thing for you)
until the end of your days

it’s never too late to start
don’t be fooled into
ignoring your heart
and feeding your passion
it’s only then that you will
make time stand still

August 2023

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