AI image of winter scene to illustrate post
Image created using Microsoft Bing AI

Thank-you Everyone – Much appreciated

I rejoined Medium in January of this year, and began to slowly, but surely, start writing here again, and a number of people have started to follow me as a result.

It is my intention to continue writing here next year, alongside any other writing I may do, and accompanying my ongoing progress with my MA in Creative Writing and Wellbeing.

I hope you will all continue to follow me next year, just as I hope to give more attention to those I follow, in turn.

Good Luck to my fellow writers with all that you do next year; and to all of us as readers, a hope for another year of good writing from whomever you follow.

If you are taking any form of winter break, as I am now until sometime in January, I hope it is a happy and peaceful time for you.

Best wishes,

December 2023

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