Image of dancer soaring through the air to illustrate post
Learning to soar...

“When I write I can shake off all my cares. My sorrow disappears, my spirits are revived.” – Anne Frank

AI image of person adjusting engine that is growing out of them to illustrate post
Image Source: AI request via Microsoft Bing

The Good Life – This old jalopy keeps on going

this old jalopy keeps on going
with rubber bands and string and such
but climbing up the steepest hills
can sometimes be a bit much

so take it easy, won’t you please?
can often be the command
as if I had another choice
no matter what the demand

there may still be a will
but there’s no longer a way
the brain suggests push and pull
but the limbs decide to stay

go faster, and get everything done
but I only manage half
you might think I can still go fast
but I think you’re having a laugh

when all is said and occasionally done
and I’ve tried my very best
I’ll then sit down with a nice little cuppa
and, for most of the day, have a rest

April 2023

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