Image of dancer soaring through the air to illustrate post
Learning to soar...

“When I write I can shake off all my cares. My sorrow disappears, my spirits are revived.” – Anne Frank

Image of a person reading a book in bed to illustrate post
Photo by awar Kurdish on Unsplash

Turning A New Leaf – Nothing is what it seems

I turn the page,
and there you are,
somehow new to me.

I love your words,
your grace, your poise,
your absence of chaos
and your gentle enticing,
away from the pain and
weary breakdown of
the closing of the day.

The light fades and you
slip from my desperate grip,
reminding me of balance,
when all I want
is a resting place where
nothing is what it seems,
and all our thoughts are dreams

August 2023

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